Basic Birth Chart Analysis – Donald Trump

His birthtime is June 14, 1946 at 10:54am in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Here is the Chart as a wheel:   And here it is in the square form: Our calculations are not finished. We must now calculate the raw strength of each planet, and the positivity as well. We can get these values from…

Astrology “ABC”s from Ancient Sanskrit Texts

There are several medieval and ancient Sanskrit astrology textbooks that have a great wealth of knowledge – but are completely misunderstood by readers without the cultural background required to correctly approach them. This handicap is not the special curse of non-Indian’s by any means! All humans since the dark ages have lost the intellectual culture…

Transits, Cycles and Eras of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

In this article I analyze the transits, cycles and eras of the founder of the Hare Krishna movement, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I previously overviewed his birth chart. The vimshottari dasha cycles and eras referred to herein are calculated with the nakshatra year, which is 359.017 modern days. Prabhupada was born into the Mars era….

Spiritual Initiation

I was initiated into the “Gaudiya Vaishnava” school of the path of esoteric divine love (“Bhakti-yoga“) on Sri Nityananda Trayodashi in Vrindavana India – the thirteenth lunar day of the waxing half of the lunar month called Magha. The year was 1993. Thus my initiation occurred during my Rahu era, so let’s take a moment…

Election of Barack Obama

Barack Obama, August 4, 1961 at 19:24 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Vimshottari dasha eras and cycles calculated using the correct nakshatra year length of 359.017 days. Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States of America on the 4th of November 2008. At the time, he was in his Jupiter era. Let us…

Periods of Mental Depression

Saturn is perfectly trine to my Moon. Saturn’s influence on the Moon generally implies constriction of emotion, desire and mental depression. In my case Saturn is the debilitated resident of the house of emotion and contentment. Therefore his transits to my Moon are particularly capable of causing grief, detachment, depression, discontent, and a feeling of…

The Most Fortunate Horoscope – A Tribute to Aindra

The Most Fortunate Horoscope A Tribute to Sripad Aindra das Babaji On July 16th of this year, 2010, at 10:25pm in Sri Vrindaban, India my hero and inspiration in life died. “Died” is not a bad word, but it is a bad word for me because it means I lost my chances to again sit…

NEW BOOK: Unlocking the Meanings of a Horoscope

Today my newest book becomes available!  In 336 pages, this book reveals extremely powerful details of how to read a horoscope in a precise, systematic and scientific manner. Spiced with a bit of humor by using the horoscopes of interesting modern figures to illustrate each technical points. The horoscopes of Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Barack…

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster – Initial Data Wikipedia lists the timing of the event as: “On April 26, 1986, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded at 01:23 AM local time.” Date: Apr 26,1986 (Sat) Time: 1:23 Place: Ukraine (current), Chernobyl Coordinates: 30° E 14′ x 51° N 16′ Time Zone: -3 from…

How Do You Know It’s True?

I finally got the hardbound Sanskrit version of one of the most important astrological books in history. It’s name is really long. Would you like to try to say it? Ok, try this: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Good try. In English it means something like “Parashara’s Encyclopedic Scripture of Astrology”. Parashara, by the way, is…