Gemini – Key Symbolic Traits

Vic DiCara explains the key symbolic traits of Gemini, and WHY it has those traits – a result of combining the symbolisms of its ruler (Mercury), element (air), and mode (dual). He also clarifies that no person is a single sign – Gemini or any other. The signs are areas of space, and planets in…

Order in the Zodiac?

Question: I was wondering if you had any insight into the order of the signs. For example, why does the moon’s sign cancer have the water element? Or why is the first sign ruled by Mars, and not the sun? Answer: I’ve written about this here and there, and it must be somewhere in my…


Here is the completely unedited initial sketch of the Introduction to my next book on astrology, The Great Big Crystal Ball in the Sky Part II! Introduction Astrology — like math, like music — is a language. What are the “words” in the language called Astrology? There are nine nouns, twelve verbs and twelve adjectives….

Numerological Subdivisions of Zodiac Signs

There are only twelve signs in the entirety of space. And that means that each sign is pretty darn big. It’s a lot like how America is quite a big country. Being that I live in Japan, especially when I first moved here a lot of people would ask me, “What is America like?” It…

Sign Interpretation – The Changing Moods of Planets

I will quickly introduce you now to a concept that you can spend years and years working with and delving into. We already know that the planets have relationships to one another, and that the relationship between the guest and the host determines how well a planet can function in a given sign. The new…

What Astrologer’s Can Learn from “Smoking Causes Cancer”

Smoking causes cancer, period. Now that doesn’t mean that everyone who smokes actually gets cancer, nor does it mean that everyone with cancer smokes. Why? Because we do other things in life besides just smoking or not smoking. Similarly, a planet in a sign causes some specific effects, period. However, that doesn’t mean that the…

Venus in the 12 Signs

  Venus is the planet of our senses. She therefore largely determines our level of good behavior and our wealth. “Good behavior” means how well we go about enjoying our sensual lives. “Wealth” refers to the quality of sensual objects we have at our disposal.   The resources available in the sign that Venus occupies…

Planets in Signs and Houses

Addressing the issue of planets in signs and houses, many astrology teachers present their readers and students with copious descriptions of various effects of the various planets in the various signs and houses. That might be the last thing I would want to write, and certainly is the last thing I would want you to…

Fundamental Parts of Astrology

He explained that there are many lights in the sky. Most of them stay put in the same places day after day. We call them stars. A very few of them don’t stay put, they constantly move about through the sky. We call them planets. The planets move through a specific zone of stars. We…

Astrological Addressing & “Signs”

If you ask me, “Hey, where do you live!?” I might answer, “In America.” Depending on how much you really want to know about me, that may or may not satisfy you. If you just want to get some basic and general idea of what culture, politics and language I am surrounded by, ok… “In…