I Don’t Match My Rising Sign!?!?!?

In astrology, no single thing ever generates an outcome on its own. It is only when a few things indicate the same outcome, then the outcome is certain. For example: I have a career with limited scope for what typically evaluates as “success.” Is it because my 12th lord is in my 10th house? Is…

The 12 Zodiac Signs, by Element and Mode

This is a quickie in answer to a specfic question of a student. But I hope there aren’t too many typos and so on, and that you can enjoy and understand it.   Cardinal mode has similarity to fire. Fixed mode has similarity to earth. Dual mode has similarity with air. Water has some similarity…

Adolf Hitler: Saturn in Leo

Adolf Hitler [April 20, 1889 at 18:30 in Branauan Inn Austria] has, by my system of calculation, Saturn at 13 degrees Leo. Here is my textbook description of Saturn in Leo Primarily the effects center on a reduction of nobility. Reduced Status: We are less likely to gain a commanding position and more likely to remain…

Astrology of King Yudhisthira, Recorded in Mahabharata

Describing the astrological conditions of the birth of King Yudhisthira, the Mahabharata says, starting from 114.4: muhUtrte ‘bhijite ‘zthame divaa madhya-gate sUrye tithau puNye ‘bhipUjite The first line means Yuddhisthira was born, “at the moment of abhijit / eighth.” Abhijit is never considered the 8th nakshatra (it is counted as the 22nd or sometimes the…

Basic Principles of Relationship Compatibility

Draw a circle. Split it into 12 equal parts. Label each part as one of the zodiac signs, in order, counterclockwise. Aries, Taurus, etc. The sign opposite from any other sign on the wheel is the most compelling match. All signs of the same element are stable in their bond. Go back to your circle,…

God’s Zodiac Sign

Question   Which zodiac sign would God be? Answer I did a series of three videos on “God’s Horoscope.” Here is the link: http://vicdicara.com/podcast/ Basically, God should be the one who enjoys life the most and is the most beautiful. So lots of Taurus (rising and Moon) with Leo sun for depth of being. South Node…

Symbols and Glyphs of Astrology

I am a huge fan of the glyphs developed in the West to represent the signs and planets. The essential meaning of every planet and sign is encoded into these fascinating symbols. Glyphs for the Planets Each planet’s glyph is made of the same primary symbols: a circle and a cross. The circle is symbolic…

Basic Qualities of the Zodiac Signs

Let’s start to understand the twelve signs by exploring how their element and mode combine to create their basic qualities. We are talking about the signs themselves, not people born into those signs. Real astrology does not consider a person to be a single sign, but a unique combination of the all twelve signs. CARDINAL…