Symbols and Glyphs of Astrology

I am a huge fan of the glyphs developed in the West to represent the signs and planets. The essential meaning of every planet and sign is encoded into these fascinating symbols. Glyphs for the Planets Each planet’s glyph is made of the same primary symbols: a circle and a cross. The circle is symbolic…

What is “Exaltation”? Why is Jupiter Exalted in Cancer?

First things first. What is “exaltation” anyway? Background: What is a Sign? What is a Planet? Here is the metaphor that will help you make sense of the whole thing: The whole starry sky is a wilderness of energy. Wilderness is a wild area uninhabited by people. But in the wilderness there are places that…

Sidereal Accuracy, Gemini Compatibility and Cancer Haters!

If Sidereal is the accurate Astrology… Why is the Tropical method the one most people use? And why do I relate so much more to my tropical chart. Sidereal is “accurate” in the mathematical sense – the positions of the planets in a sidereally calculated chart are REALLY where they are in the REAL sky….


Summary In both the East and West, the symbol of this constellation is a Crab. Actually the word “cancer” is Latin for Crab, and the Sanskrit name for this sign is Karkata, which also literally means Crab. So, why a crab? A crab is very soft inside but has a hard outer shell and huge,…